General learning sites
Mrs Tanner says, "we should all be doing this," and at St Martin's we agree! The zoo is such an amazing resource, right on our doorstep so it would be really great to have as many St Martin pupils taking part. The details for the modules are available via this link. By completing the award you can then be part of Durrell's Wild Tribe. Let your child's class teacher know if you are taking part, I am sure they would love to hear how you are getting on.
The Robin Hood academy Trust has collected weekly plans for each year group. As well as giving ideas for weekly Maths and English tasks, the site also has additional creative curriculum opportunities. This is a great place to look if you feel that you would like to further extend your child's learning at home.
BBC Newsround is a child friendly way of sharing the news. On the website there are also games, quizzes, shows and puzzles.
Twinkl are offering free access to parents. Please click here to access the site, create an account as a parent using the code CVDTWINKLHELPS .
For online educational games, this site offers games in most areas of the curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2 children.
Classroom secrets for kids is a really useful site that has interactive quizzes sorted by year group and subject. As a parent, you will need to create an account for your child and then they can have free access to all of the activities.
This is Brain Pop. They are giving free access if your school is closed. Follow instructions on the website. This website also includes coding and engineering
This is the National Geographic for kids. This is all about animals, includes games and videos.
Scholastic is providing day by day projects. Keeping children thinking, learning and growing. It is American so look at ‘Grades 3-5’.
BBC Bitesize Key Stage 2 has all the subjects and includes lots of educational games to play at home.