Well being and Health for children
Cosmic Kids is a Youtube channel with Yoga for children. A great way to relax and feel calm.
FOCUS On the Go! supports the FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress™) family resilience training model. As well as offering advice to families about holding family meetings, relaxing, etc. the app also has games for your child to play that will help them to build resilience or problem solve.
Below are some Youtube Channels that support wellbeing and mindfulness for children:
Relax kids
Be the pond
Mindfulness breathing for children
Mindful minute
Mindfulness is a superpower
How mindfulness empowers us
Loving kindness for kids
Breathing and stretch
Comic kids yoga stories
Pokemon cosmic kids yoga story
Spider power
Jamie’s power breaks
Superpower listening
Youtube recordings of stories to support wellbeing:
Only one you
You be you
It’s ok to be different
Be who you are
Have you filled a bucket today
The wonderful things you will be
How full is your bucket
Kindness song
The dot
Be the pond
I am peace