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We All Join In

We All Join In


When your child or grandchild joins St Martin's School you automatically become a member of St Martin's School PTA.... so read on to find out more about what we do...

Who are we and what do we do?

The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is an enthusiastic team of parents who work hard to support the school in a variety of ways.  In particular, by organising fundraising events which we hope are enjoyable as well as raising much needed funds.  

We run a number of events and sales throughout the year, ranging from cake sales to movie afternoons, bingo nights and fetes. Details of upcoming events can be found on the PTA Events page, or take a look at our Facebook page.

The money raised is spent in ways which directly benefit the children, such as buying equipment or paying for 'little extras' to support the children's learning.

Need uniform?

The PTA holds a stock of 2nd hand school uniform.  You can order uniform at any time by completing our uniform order form and we will deliver the requested items to your child's classroom.

Like to shop online? 

Raise money for us when you shop online - sign up at

Fancy getting involved?

We rely on help from parents to make all this possible, whether that’s by supporting our events or joining our committee. If you’d be interested in getting involved, please just come along to our next meeting - we are a
friendly bunch and we always welcome new ideas! Or alternatively, complete our mailing list form so we can add you to our email list to be kept informed about our meetings and volunteering opportunities. There’s never any pressure to do more than you feel comfortable with.

Get in touch

You can contact us by email at or via the PTA Facebook page.... or just come and see one of us for a chat.


Everyone is welcome at our meetings, but the current elected Committee is...



Nick Crolla


Emilie Gingell


Lucy Eder


Rebekah Key

Committee member

Amy Luus

Committee member

Tarryn Benest

Committee member

Stephanie Luce

Committee member

Laura Cardinal

Committee member